District 71 meeting minutes
October 9, 2021
Liz opens meeting at 9:35 with the Serenity Prayer
In attendance:
Liz G.
Scott A.
Dave L.
Terry G.
Stephanie G.
Keenan G.
Ike F.
Annette K.
Laura P.
Wanda L.
Ellen O.
DCM- Dale
Liz stands in for Dale, who is out with medical problems. Please see Dale’s DCM report on this website.
There Were about 50 people in attendance at the Calvary Church event. More information about what was discussed on the area website. Also information on the fall assembly coming up in November.
Secretary- Larry
Larry was out of town. Ike F. took minutes for him at this meeting. Many thanks for covering this. Larry’s minutes from last month were voted on and accepted.
Treasurer- Keenan
September's beginning balance was $2,155.73. Calvary event cost was $912.30. Currant balance is $1,371.73. Dale has $250.00 to be added from donations.
Web Administrator- Scott A.
Scott went over numbers for website visits. Numbers have dropped off some due to in-person meetings starting back up.
Central Office- Dave L.
No changes in the Central office status.
Treatment- Stephanie
Terry G. will step down as treatment coordinator, but will still be helping Stephanie.
GSR reports-
Ike reported that the Midday Group has been disbanded and joined the Hendersonville Group. Noon meetings in person Wednesday and Friday at noon. Lock box has been added to keep the number of keys in circulation down. Business meeting has been moved to the last Monday of each month at 7:00 pm.
Lots of positions need to be filled.
Larry will let Liz G. know how Hendersonville Group voted to spend the surplus money.
Grapevine has a podcast available on U Tube on Mondays. Https://aagrapevine.org
Next business meeting November 6 on zoom at 9:30 am.
Meeting closes with the responsibility statement 10:26