DCM Report, GSR Meeting, 1/9/2021, 9:30 AM

My warmest wishes to you all for a Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year!!

Beginning 2021, we find ourselves still in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Sadly, until restrictions are lifted and we get the green light to once again meet safely in person, we will continue to meet via Zoom. As a reminder, we meet the 2nd Saturday of the month from 9:30 to 10:30 from January to November. Unless we have urgent business, we usually take off the month of December. When it is safe for ALL of us to meet in person, we will be relocating to The Church of St. John in the Wilderness, Greenville Highway, Flat Rock. Meanwhile, please note our Zoom info listed here…

ZOOM ID# 839 998 9177

Password: 71

Buzz H. has done an outstanding job as our Treasurer these past 2 years and I know you all join me with sincere thanks for his amazing and dedicated service. In the spirit of rotation, It’s Buzz’s turn to step down. We must fill this position asap. Please reach out to your group members for qualified nominees. It is my sincere hope to fill this position at our meeting Saturday morning. Please refer to the job description posted on our website.

We have some exciting activity to report from our CPC Committee. I happily joined Linda Jo, CPC Chair, on December 9th for a meeting with Pastor Blake and 5 other key church officers from Fletcher,s Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Linda Jo’s presentation was so well received that we are on their calendar for a congregation wide presentation on Saturday, January 30th. I’ll defer to Linda Jo’s report for the details.

Following the meeting with Pastor Blake, we went, literally, across the street to Advent Health (formerly ParkRidge Hospital) and met with their new CEO and Nurse Manager of both the Women’s Behavioral Unit and the ER. They voiced great interest and need for our services. IE: presentations for the Unit staff as well as the ER. They are very interested in Bridging the Gap and ultimately, bringing AA meetings into the unit!

This Hospital venture is very exciting but to effectively make it all happen, we need help. First of all, we need a Treatment Chair with an ad hoc Bridging the Gap (BTG) chair. Ideally, CPC handles the presentation/education portion of their needs while a Treatment Chair would organize the AA meetings. Another member, under the Treatment Chair, would coordinate Bridging the Gap (BTG). Liz and I are 150% on board to mentor anyone interested in getting these programs up and running.

So…urgently…D-71 needs a Treasurer, a Treatment Chair and a Treatment committee member to take on BTG! We have some very exciting service requests…we must have the leadership to make them happen.

I look forward to seeing all of you on Saturday morning.

Please stay healthy, be safe and be smart!

Until Saturday,

With AA love and prayers,

Respectfully submitted,

Dale L., DCM, D-71


Agenda, GSR Meeting, Saturday, 1/9/2021, 9:30 AM


D71 November Minutes