D71 November Minutes
District 71 Meeting Minutes, November 14, 2020
Dale opened the meeting at 9:32 a.m., with the Serenity Prayer. 9 in attendance.
Approval of Minutes for the October 20 meeting, Scott A. motion/Linda Jo seconded; all in favor.
DCM - Dale L. Review of report provided on website. All of the Agenda items that our groups were asked to discuss were passed. Most discussion was on approval of new District 94 for virtual-only meetings.
District 15 will become part of our Area 51, and its current DCM Rick will be attending our January meeting. Todd T., GSR of an active prison-based group, will also attend.
Area 51 treasury is in good shape; GSO not so much and donations encouraged.
ADCM - Liz G. Working, not present.
SECY Kathryn HF Nothing else to report. Thanked the District for being so easy to work with. Past minutes, Agenda template, etc. will be ready for incoming Secy.
TREA Buzz L. This past month had little activity; one expense at $14.99, good donations at $1,259, Checkbook balance $2751.00.
Discussed donations; Kathryn HF motioned to send $1,500 to GSO, $500 Central Office, Annette seconded; all in favor.
Present and approve 2021 Budget: Discussion on raising Webpage to $500 to cover any changes. Lucy H. motioned to approve budget with this change; Scott seconded; all in favor.
WEBMSTR Scott A. gave an update on continued and regular use of the website, and thanked the District for providing this obviously needed resource. Scott reviewed the main parts of the site; passwords are thinknot for most uses; Officers and GSRs may also use 71.
New GSRs, AGSRs can access past minutes on Business & Minutes tab, for example.
When using the Meeting Change Form to keep us up-to-date, please allow a couple of days for changes to be made and published as our officers are volunteers.
Dale will migrate District 15’s records and we’ll need to update our roster; will work with Scott.
CPC Linda S. - Reported an upcoming staff/clergy CPC meeting probably Dec. 9 on behalf of the Sunday Roundtable Group. Group of about 7, Dale & maybe Ellen O. will try and attend and/or help with literature. Fletcher 7th Day Adventist church on Howard Gap Rd. where it meets Naples Rd. (by hospital).
PI Kathy K. - not present, no activity
Corrections [open]
Treatment - [open]
Central Office David L. - attended last regular meeting and reported that two positions were filled, 12-Step Coordinator and Treasurer. Finances and office in good shape; Ray will receive a raise and bonus based on his work. Voted to send $1K to GSO, and thanks to our webmasters. Next meeting is Jan. 14, 2021.
Grapevine Ordering information: 800-631-6025 and www.aagrapevine.org.
Events None scheduled yet due to ongoing restrictions.
GSR Reports:
Cedar Mountain Group, Tues & Sun. night at community center; masks required and group has set up a welcome table at entry with sanitizer, etc.
Hendersonville Group, building on Willow Road is closed; using combination of Zoom and face-to-face outdoors weather permitting.
Happy Hour Group - new meeting room obtained at “Back on Track” (ministry?), 1900 Spartanburg Road (near Jim’s Muffler) - last door on the left. Tues and Thurs at 5 p.m.
Old Business 2021 Elections - Larry L. was nominated (Scott motion, Ellen second; all in favor) and voted in as Secretary; no nominations yet for Treasurer; Dale and Liz will work on this. Kathryn will set up for the transfer to Larry and thanked the group for its help.
New Business Potential for new meeting place when our District resumes; want to better accommodate Polk, Rutherford Counties.
Close with Responsibility Statement at 10:29 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn HF, Nov. 23, 2020
The District new address for mail, donations: BlueRidge Mall post office:
District 71, P.O. Box 202, Hendersonville, NC 28739