District 71 Business Meeting
District 71 Business Meeting
June 8, 2023, 8:30 AM
Open: Serenity Prayer
In Attendance:
Liz Annette
Ellen O. Alan
Linda Jo Valerie
Terry Sally
David W. Jason G.
John W. Mike J.
DCM Report: Liz
The Founder’s Day Picnic was a success and hopefully we can continue this in the years ahead.
The area 51 Delegate report is on the district website as well as in the Delegate Corner of the Area 51 Website. There is a new Treatment/Bridging the Gap website where volunteers can sign up at ncftc.org and there will be a link provided on the district’s website. A reminder that the State Convention at Lake Junaluska is coming up July 20-23 and hopes to see everyone. The Hospitality Suite is looking for volunteers, please contact Liz or Annette. July 3-6, 2025, Vancouver International Convention has posted information on the aa.org/international convention website. Liz will be stepping down Dec 31, 2023, encourages everyone to pass along all the districts open positions. Liz’s full report was posted on the website.
Alternate DCM: Annette
A new Grapevine app is being created for I-phone and Android phones with Spanish versions as well.
Secretary: Stephanie
Motion to accept report without being read was made, seconded, and passed.
Treasurer: David
For June there is $230.00 income, with a balance of $3656.57. Report posted on the website. Motion to accept, seconded and passed.
Web Administer: Valerie
The event for Bridging the Gap and flyer posted on the website. Pictures requested from the Founder’s Day Picnic so they can be posted. No pictures of people’s faces will be used.
CO Trustee: Mike
The central office is updating their technology and will be staying in the current location due to rental prices for the new location.
Service Committee Chairs Report:
CPC, PI, Treatment and Bridging the Gap: All open positions.
Corrections: Terry
Corrections are monetarily solvent. Rutherford Minimal Security facility in Spindale has been provided with Grapevine’s and Big Books will also be provided. More men are needed to bring in AA meetings to the jails in Hendersonville and Transylvania. Hendersonville only has 1 and Transylvania has 2. To be able to go to the Hendersonville jail, people need to go to the Sheriff’s office front desk and sign up to volunteer. Transylvania volunteers need to be approved by the Chaplain. There is paperwork required and references are needed. There is a contact person, however contact Terry for further details. A Correction’s Workshop is being held Oct. 7, 9 AM-3 PM with speakers. Further details are coming.
Also, Terry is stepping down in December 2023.
Grapevine: Sally
Nothing new to report.
GSR Reports:
Carol: Joy of Living Group is no longer GSR. Joy of Living group has added another women’s meeting Tuesdays 6pm at St. Timothy’s in Brevard starting July 11.
Allen: Cedar Mountain Group, attendance is up.
Jason: Fellowship speaker meeting Friday nights at regular meeting time.
Old Business:
1. Changing the time for district meetings back to 9:30. 9 voting members present, (GSR’s and committee members). 2/3rds of quorum is 6. A motion made to change the time to 9:30 was made, seconded. 5 voted for and 4 against. No quorum was made. Therefore, the meeting time starts at 8:30 AM. Motion to extend meeting to 1.5 hrs. was made, seconded, and passed.
2. Questions related to how often should items be revisited once passed? Should a quorum be established at the beginning of each meeting? These were tabled to next meeting due to time and reviewing the literature regarding these issues.
3. Liz sent an email to Emily Williams at Pardee and is waiting for a response to find out what resources we can provide for discharge planners. Liz is emailing other Treatment centers as well.
New Business:
Linda Jo : special CPC/PI Tri district group is wanting the GSR’s of 70, 71 and 80, to vote on whether to establish an investigation committee to explore having a workshop rally in the fall. Motion to consider establishing a committee was made, seconded, and passed.
Motion to close meeting and seconded.
Closed with the Responsibility Prayer.
Next Meeting August 12, 2023, 8:30AM-10:00AM