We did not have a meeting in June due to our meeting day falling on Founder’s Day. We had district 71’s second annual Founder’s Day event. My hope is this event is carried on in our district for many years to come. Annette ( alternate DCM) attended the Assembly in June in my place due to a family emergency. I am so grateful for her support and understanding it was truly a last minute situation. The family emergency caused me to panic and consider standing down as DCM. I am going to try to continue my term until December 31st. I believe that I will be able too.
At our last meeting we had a member bring up changing meeting back to 930. A few meetings back we had changed it from 930 to 830. This was brought up at the end of the meeting and there was not allotted time. I mentioned not having a quorum and noticed that there were non-voting members voting. And I found myself emotionally voting when a DCM should not be voting. Upon reflection I read through service manual and looked at other district websites and found that many have guidelines. Of course, Guidelines are merely suggestions not rules. No rules in AA, right? There are many things to consider when doing business and how will new members know what to do? I thought it would be helpful to have this information on the website and have information for new gsr’s like the virtual gsr kit and gsr change form. I brought this up at the meeting and my hope is a few officers get this document ready to publish on website in the next few months. One item that has come up that I have not found information on is how often and how quickly can we re -visit the same business item that was already voted on? And should we have a minimum number of voting members present to conduct business? Can any home group member that is present vote if gsr and alt gsr are not at meeting?
Some exciting news from out area treatment coordinator- there is a bridging the gap website for volunteers to sign up and for people to request a btg volunteer. This will soon be linked to area website, but volunteers can sign up at: https:www.nctfc.org/
I signed up and it was easy.
Also go check out the Delegate’s Corner on the area website and read the monthly Beamon Beacon. The 7th concept is on the left and in the body there are links to many resources from GSB. Remember the website is aanorthcarolina.org our password is 71 and user name is easydoesit. Go to INFORMATION FOR MEMBERS and here you will have to put in user name and password but you will then have access to lots of information. If you didn’t go to the assembly there is also the delegates report. Below is a direct link to read one page BEAMON BEACON!!!
Box 459 is another great resource from GSB in NYC. There is information of carrying the message to young People Video Project. Submissions are 2-3 minutes in length and they are requeting members to share experiences that would relate to the young alcoholic who is yet to come in AA. See link below to access BOX 459. There is also information on international convention in Vancouver.
And a reminder to everyone to please come to Lake Junaluska for the NC State Convention. If anyone would like to sign up to Man the hospitality suite for a time slot please let me or Annette know. The hospitality suite would also accept food donations that are store bought. Lake Junaluska does not allow “homemade “ items at this time!