District 71 Meeting Minutes May 8, 2021
Dale L.- DCM
Liz G.- Alternate DCM
Terry G.- Treatment
Dave L. - Central Office
Larry L. - Secretary
Eric M.- alternate treasurer
Keenan G. - Treasurer
Shelly Mae- Treatment committee
Jo- Sisters of Sobriety
Ike F.- Hendersonville Group
John O.- Hendersonville Men’s Group
Linda Jo- Big Town Group
Ellen O.- Cedar Mountain Group
Janet- Big Town Group
Dale L.- DCM
Next DCM meeting will be held in person at St. John’s in the Wilderness on
June 12th 9:30 am.
Father Josh from St. John’s has announced the opening of the church to all
AA meetings beginning June 1. Meetings will meet in the Wilderness
Room. 12 chairs will be set in a circle and more chairs in the closet as
needed. Wipes and disinfectant spray will be provided. Masks are
mandatory as well as 3 feet of separation. A notebook will be kept by each
group for members to sign in with name and phone numbers. List will be
destroyed after 2 weeks. This is for contact tracing. List is private to each
group to ensure anonymity. Bring your own coffee or beverage. No food or
drink will be available from the church. This is all in line with AA Central
Office recommendations for face to face meetings.
Meetings that meet at St. John’s:
Early Birds- Mon- Sat 7:30 am
Hendersonville Men’s Group- Tuesday 7:00 pm
Sober Sisters - Monday 9:00 am
Beginners Meeting- Monday 7:00 pm
Meditation Meeting- Thursday (see NC71.org for time)
Individual groups will all hold group conscience meetings to determine
whether they are ready for face to face AA meetings.
Dale mediated the Sisters of Sobriety Group Inventory. Dale indicated she
is available to help any group with their inventory.
May 2nd Dale and John gave a CPC workshop. Indicated that only 1%
referrals from clergy to AA. 32% referrals from other AA members.
May 21-22 Spring Assembly on zoom. Agenda and info on the website.
Area Inventory will most likely be postponed until Spring 2022.
Fall inventory will be in person at Lake Junaluska November 12-14
Alt. DCM- Liz G.-
Dale and Liz have been very busy with the Growth and Maintenance
Committee. Revising the P-3 manual.
Reminded GSR to ask groups for ideas on spending the surplus. Money
will be automatically sent to GSO in the event that an alternate decision
has not passed the vote. This rule was instituted in 2003 and has been
argued against ever since.
Larry L. - Secretary
Motion to accept April 10 minutes as posted on the District 71 website by
Liz. Ellen seconded. Motion passed.
Scott A.- Webmaster
Not in attendance. Please see the website for a full report.
Eric M.- Treasurer
$1500.00 in the bank. New cards have been issued due to transfer of
Budget for Treatment increased to $500.00
Eric announced that he will step down as Treasurer and become the
alternate for that position. Keenan G. was nominated to replace Eric as
treasurer by Ellen. Larry seconded. Motion passed with all members voting
in favor.
Linda Jo- CPC
Attended CPC workshop with Dale and Liz
Cathy- PI
Not in attendance
Terry G.- Treatment
Introduced Janet as Bridging the Gap coordinator.
Packets are being put together for people leaving detox as well as
Forest City has joined the treatment committee.
Transilvania hosts the AA hot line and is always looking for AA members to
add to the list of contacts.
Treatment budget increased from $200.00 to $500.00
Please see Terry’s full report on the website, and contact her if willing to
help with BTG.
Dave L.- Central office
Next meeting May 13th. Same information about getting literature. Call and
it will be left outside the door. Checks can be left in the mailbox. Office is
still closed.
Old Business;
Positions are open for Corrections, Grapevine and Events
GSR reports;
Ike- Hendersonville group. New meeting added- Beginners Wednesday
6:00 PM. listed in directory.
Jo- Sisters of Sobriety- Hybrid meeting begins June 1.
Annette- Big Town- Monday and Thursday on Zoom. Tuesdays at church
Ellen- Cedar Mountain- Face to Face meetings Tues- Thurs. 6:00 pm
See list of events and more detailed reports on the
Next meeting June 12 at St. John’s church 9:30 am
Meeting closed with the Responsibility Statement 10:34