District 71 pre-meeting officers discussion June 3, 2021 5:00- 6:15 pm
In attendance: Dale L. DCM
Liz G. Alternate DCM Keenan G. Treasurer Scott A. Webmaster Larry L. Secretary
Father Josh from St. John’s in the Wilderness has welcomed all our AA meetings to resume beginning June 1. Already the Hendersonville Men’s Group and the Wednesday Early Birds have met. All agree it is nice to be back in the room in person. The rules as set down by Father Josh as far as masks and social distancing have been posted at several places. Dale will attach it to the DCM minutes on the website.
The District 71 meeting will be in person on Saturday, June 12 at St. John’s in the Wilderness at 9:30 am in the Wilderness room. The first order of business will be to vote on the future location of the District meetings. It has always been held at the Willow Rd location of the Hendersonville Group. There was some discussion on how it was switched to St. John’s. No one seems to remember a vote being taken.
The zoom platform for District 71 will remain. A separate room will be set up within the account for Terry G. called District 71 Treatment Committee Room. Anyone with questions regarding zoom protocols such as hosting a meeting or other questions are urged to watch a couple of the many U -Tube videos, and videos on the zoom site that explains in detail all the mysteries of zoom.
Keenan, our new Treasurer has the new account set up, and everything straightened out except the online donations. We are working on that. Keenan will have a full report at the June 12th meeting.
We will discuss the pie chart for our donations to determine how to split up the contributions.
Scott A. has been working hard to update our spreadsheet for GSRs, alternate GSRs, or just contact information for the District group. Groups are urged to go to the website and fill out the form for this. Anyone who attends different groups might ask about the GSR status or at least get a contact number.
Officers are urged to begin grooming our replacements that will take our jobs when the term is up so everything we do will not have to be done again all over.
Meetings adjourned at 6:15 pm