District 71 Treatment Committee Report
June 13 2021
We established a direct phone for Bridging The Gap 828-708-3652. Met with Pardee Paths unit, including Social workers providing contact information and Bridging the Gap pamphlets for patient and discharge planners along with direct phone number. Volunteers gathered together to assemble the packets for distribution. We have made direct contact with AA meetings in Transylvania and Henderson Counties obtaining volunteers, distributing volunteer sign-up sheets, volunteer packets, and guidelines for AA meetings held at Pardee Paths Unit. There are currently 36 volunteers.
Our first contact was made with Pardee with a patient that went very smoothly with the volunteer making contact with the social worker after I received the call, and bringing the patient to his first AA meeting upon discharge and a 14 day commitment by the volunteer to help
Pardee has asked that we start out with 3 meetings per week, MWF at 6pm. The Fellowship, Big Town, and Hendersonville Groups are MWF respectfully. A liaison person has been assigned to represent each group, with the Detox unit and the Treatment Chairperson. These individuals and volunteers who help with assembling the packets are members of the D71. The following are the liaisons: Ray W., Fellowship Grp., Kim S. Hendersonville Grp., Annette K. Big Town Grp., Ellen O. Transylvania County. Our plan is to attend AA meetings in Polk and Rutherford Counties in the next few weeks to inform them of BTG and asking for volunteers. Yours in service to AA,
Stephanie G. D71 Bridging the Gap Coordinator
Terry G. D71 Treatment Committee Chairperson