District 71 minutes July 10,2021
Dale opened the meeting at 9:32 with the serenity prayer
In attendance:
Dale L.- DCM
Liz G. Alternate DCM
Keenan G. - Treasurer
Larry L.- Secretary
Scott A.- Web Administrator
Dave L.- Central Office
Terry G.- Treatment
Stephanie- Treatment Chair
Linda Jo- CPC
Ike F.- Hendersonville Group
John O.- Hendersonville Men’s Group
Ellen O.- Cedar Mountain Group
Jo- Sisters of Sobriety
Lynn W.
Dale L.- DCM
Welcome to all. Our District meetings will be held live at St John’s in the Wilderness quarterly, and the rest on zoom. Next meeting in August will be on zoom. The area chair, Denise M had sent out an e-mail to get feedback on the need to continue the zoom account. Several people liked the way our district is doing it.
Dale attended a D-34 zoom meeting where our delegate, Rainer spoke. Most of the questions were on the changes to our literature, what was fact and what was rumor.
Liz and Dale have been planning an event to have Rainer and our alternate delegate, Julie, come to the mountains and speak to us, and join us with food and fellowship. Dates of September 18th or 19th were brought to a vote. Saturday September 18th was decided on.
The area summer committee meeting is next month, one week after our district meeting. There are 7 agenda items on the table at this time. These are posted on the District 71 website. Group GSRs should print them out and bring them up at their business meetings.
Liz G.- Alternate DCM
Liz and Dale have been busy with Growth and Maintenance . Inventory questions are being prepared for the spring inventory. District 31 suggested using a voting app.
Looking into forming a Group and Maintenance sub page on the website.
Larry L.- Secretary
One correction to the June minutes. I referred to Stephanie as the treatment coordinator, when her actual title is treatment chairperson . Motion to accept minutes was seconded and passed.
Keenan G.- Treasurer
Balance is $1749.20
Big Town Group made a contribution of $203.82
Scott A. - Web Administrator
Scott presented a quick overall view of the website and the location of all the features. Meeting lists are kept up to date as more meetings are opening up in person and some zoom going away. The meeting change form is available to list any changes to your meetings. There is also a donation page to make contributions to the district. All the meeting minutes and reports are listed in the Administrative section. Password for access is thinknot, all lower case. All reports should be posted there.
30 day visits to the website- 576 people visit and look at 1200 pages. Year to date numbers- 3300 visits looking at 7200 pages.
Dave L.- Central Office
Recent meeting discussed two main items. One was the forming of a steering committee to decide which agencies would be approved as referral places (treatment centers ,ect) Second was the reopening of the central office. It was decided to leave the office closed for the next two months. Operating hours are still 7-7 Monday through Friday. Literature , books, medallions can be ordered and picked up at the door, or sent by mail.
There is a need for a Spanish speaking translator at the Central Office.
Meeting lists can be printed directly from the website PDF file. Prints some copies, fold them up, and take them to your home group.
Linda Jo- CPC
Nothing to report at this time
Terry G- Treatment
Terry and Stephanie have been very busy visiting meetings around the area and making presentations for the Bridging the Gap program. They have been in contact with Rutherford County and have two new volunteers. Information packets and sign up sheets have been left at each meeting for home group members to sign up at a later date.
Pardee detox is pleased to have us back at the facility bringing the 12 step message to the folks there.Fellowship group donated several Big Books to Pardee.
Terry and Stephanie met with the discharge planners at Transylvania Hospital. They were very receptive to the BTG as they average 10 patients a month for detox.
Next in the planning is a visit to the Sobriety and Beyond Group in Forest City. Also in the planning stage will be a zoom meeting for BTG volunteers.
GSR Reports
Ike F.- Hendersonville Group
All meetings have returned to in person except the Tuesday 8:00pm meeting will remain on zoom for now.
Linda Jo- Big Town
Added a Sunday 1:00 pm Step Study
Having a Raleigh speaker on July 25th at 7:00 pm
Ellen O.- Cedar Mountain
Attendance is growing. Held a CPCPI meeting to discuss what literature should be kept on hand for distribution
Jo- Sisters of Sobriety
Attendance is growing
Stephanie- Fellowship Group
Meeting every day at 12:00
July 17th cookout and speaker 5:00
Old Business
Need people for: Corrections, Grapevine and Events
Elections in November will be replacing DCM, Alternate DCM and Web Administrator. It is important to teach incoming replacements all the requirements and duties of the position. This way when they take over, things will not have to be relearned. There will soon be a description of each position and the requirements as listed in our AA literature on the website.
New Business
In regards to the event Dale is planning on September 18th to have Rainer and Julie come to the mountains to speak to us, we have decided on the date, and the Calgary Parish Hall (church where Fellowship meets. On Highway 25 across from Ingles in Fletcher) has agreed to let us use the hall. Menu and budget will be looked into. Members that will help plan this event are Liz, Larry, Jo and Terry.
Liz made a motion to change the title from Webmaster to Web Administrator. Seconded and passed.
The list of the seven agenda items are posted on the District website. Please make these available to your home group for votes and feedback. List can be downloaded and sent via e-mail, or printed.
Meeting adjourned at 10:46 with the Responsibility statement. Next meeting August 14th 9:30 am on ZOOM