Seven (7) Agenda Items
Note that the agenda items may be presented in a different order at the Summer Committee meeting:
Determine the districts hosting the 2022 Pre-Conferences.
Background Information: An Advisory Action passed at the 2008 Fall Assembly provided that in order to promote an informed group conscience, the Delegate and Alternate Delegate are to attend up to three Pre-Conferences annually to discuss General Service Conference agenda items, when hosted by the districts in the Coastal, Piedmont and Mountain regions of Area 51. Background information to the Advisory Action makes clear that the districts from these areas of the state will take responsibility for hosting the Pre-Conferences between mid-March and mid-April and that the districts hosting the Pre-Conferences for the upcoming year will be decided at this Committee Meeting. The format of the Pre-Conferences – the topics and structure – ultimately should be decided by the Delegate, though recommendations supporting direct participation can be made. A three-hour event is recommended for each Pre-Conference. PLEASE SEE FLYER AND ASSOCIATED MAP (pages 6-7) WITH MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE PRE-CONFERENCES. THIS FLYER PROVIDES NECESSARY INFORMATION TO HELP DISTRICTS PLAN THE 2022 PRE-CONFERENCES. ANY DISTRICT WISHING TO HOST A 2022 PRE-CONFERENCE EVENT SHOULD COME TO THE SUMMER COMMITTEE PREPARED WITH A PROPOSED DATE AND A PROPOSED LOCATION. THIS PRECON ADVANCE INFORMATION IS AN EFFORT TO BETTER PLAN OUR AREA 51 PRE-CONFERENCES! If you have questions about Pre-Conference planning, please contact Area 51 Delegate Rainer L. at
To approve the proposed Area 51 2022 Budget.
Background Information: The proposed 2022 budget will come moved and seconded from the Budget and Finance Subcommittee. Copies of the proposed 2022 budget will be distributed at the Area Committee Meeting. 3
To approve host sites for Area Committees, Assemblies, and Conventions from the Summer Committee 2023 through the State Convention of 2025.
Background Information: The Site Investigation Subcommittee presents a proposal for event sites at the Summer Committee Meeting in the first year of every Delegate term. Their proposal for event sites begins with the Summer Committee Meeting of the following Delegate term, and runs through the State Convention of the subsequent Delegate term. Site selection then proceeds to the Fall Assembly for final approval.
That the 2022 Area 51 Corrections Conference, “33rd Freedom from Bondage” be held at the Hampton Inn & Suites in Aberdeen, N.C. on March 11-13, 2022.
Background Information: The Area Committee and Area Assembly must approve the proposed location and dates of the annual Area 51 Corrections Conference.
That the Area 51 Website Policies ‘Public Content and Features’ be augmented to allow notices of intergroup and district-sponsored workshops to be posted on the Area 51 Website.
Background Information: Add the following wording as an additional bullet to the VII Public Content and Features:
• Notices of intergroup or district-sponsored workshops, with topics that would be of interest to AA members across a variety of districts within our Area. If in person, the date and address will be shown. If a virtual or hybrid gathering, provide the date and time, with a link to a source for that district with the online link information. [background – the area events will be highlighted so they are clearly distinguishable from other events – this is to promote the events as much as possible, and to guide the reader to the source of the information]
That the Area 51 Website Policies ‘Private Content and Features’ be modified such that the Area Assembly meeting notices, Area Assembly meeting agendas (without background details), and Area Assembly schedule be moved to the ‘Public Content and Features’ section.
Background Information: Many of the requests for information, and need to gain knowledge of a district’s login credentials, are from GSRs and other AA members wanting information about Area Assemblies, specifically those listed above. There is no specific reason why these need to be behind authentication challenges.
That the Area 51 Website Committee Composition, Scope and Procedures be amended as follows:
• Add subcommittee voting privileges to the webmaster
• Add the role of subcommittee Technical Advisor, of which there can be multiple, with subcommittee voting privileges
• Clarify the third bullet under ‘Scope’ to mirror wording elsewhere in the P3
• Move the Website Composition, Scope and Procedure content to the P3 under the description of Website Subcommittee, and reference that in the Website Policies document available from the Area 51 website, among other locations
Background Information: Details of changes:
First paragraph under composition is changed from: 4
The voting membership of the website committee is composed of District Committee Members and in their absence, their alternates, from each region in the Area. Districts within each region will be represented on a rotating basis.
to the following:
The membership of the website subcommittee is composed of
• DCMs and their alternates, from the regions in the Area1
• The webmaster2
• Technical advisors o These are AA members who have expressed interest in the role, and who have been voted into that role officially by the subcommittee.
Each of the DCMs, the webmaster, and the technical advisors are voting members. If a DCM is absent, the alternate DCM can vote in their place. We welcome all who wish to participate in the subcommittee, especially those who have a passion for technology or its application to help the sick and suffering alcoholic. These additional trusted servants have a much-appreciated voice on all matters; however, they do not have a vote.
The third bullet under Scope is changed from:
Recommend to the Area Chair an individual to serve as Webmaster that will do the design, build and day-to-day maintenance of the website.
to the following:
Follow the Third Legacy procedure to elect a Webmaster and recommend that individual to the incoming Area Chair for approval by the Area Election Assembly.
In Love and Service,
Denise M., Area 51 Chair Beth R., Area 51 Secretary