Agenda, D-71 GSR Meeting, 8/14/21
Where: D-71 Zoom Space, ID# 839 998 9177; Passcode 71
When: 9:30-10:30 AM
Open: Serenity Prayer
DCM Report: Liz G. for Dale
ADCM Report: Liz G.
Secretary Report: Larry L. Approve July 10th minutes
Treasurer report: Keenan G. Approve treasurer report. Vote to increase Events Budget.
Webmaster Report: Scott A.
Central Office Trustee: David L.
Reports from Service Committee Chairs:
CPC: Linda Jo S.
PI: Kathy K.
Treatment: Terry G.
Bridging the Gap: Stephanie
GSR Reports:
Old Business: Open positions, Corrections, Grapevine, Events.
DCM, ADCM and Webmaster rotate out this fall. start thinking about new trusted servants to nominate.
Update on Job descriptions: Due by the September 11th in person meeting at St John’s.
Updates on the 9/18 “Meet the Delegate and Alt. Delegate” Open Eating/Speaker Meeting At Calvary Episcopal Church, from 4:30-8:00PM. Special guest, Brooks D. Grapevine Area Rep. with full display.
Volunteers needed for set-up, registration, service the Buffet Dinner, cleanup.
New Business: GSR Kits.;
Vote to change November meeting to 11/6 due to Assembly conflict
Upcoming Events:
Summer Committee Meeting: August 21-22: Dale and Liz attending.
D-71 event @ Calvary Church.
November 12-14, Winter Assembly/Committee meeting @ Lake Junaluska. Mae your reservations asap!!
Call for reservations asap!
SSAASA November 19-21. in Tampa Fl.
Close meeting with The responsibility Statement.