My warmest personal greetings to you all from the South Carolina Sea Islands. We are enjoying quality time with our daughters and their families after such a long separation from the pandemic. You will be in great hands this morning with Liz at the helm.

Since we last met, I attended the Fellowship group’s Eating/Speaker meeting on 7/17. What a joy to see so many members, some with families, in person. It was an evening filled with great food (especially, “Chef” Ray W. and his mouth- watering BBQ), wonderful fellowship, and 2 dynamic speakers with heartfelt A.A. messages. The evening fed my soul!

The above leads me to our D-71 sponsored Event to be held on 9/18 at Calvary Episcopal Church. With the understandable concern of rising COVID-19 cases due to the new variant, be assured that we will follow any new guidelines from the Church, the CDC and our Governor. Meanwhile, we are moving forward with planning the event. Our menu is set with Hot Dog World providing Hot Dogs, Hamburgers with all the trimmings including baked beans. “Chef” Ray will prepare his BBQ on site. We are asking for members to bring a side or dessert. During old business this am Liz will ask for volunteers to assist with the event. In addition to our Area Delegate and Alt. delegate, Brooks D., our Area Grapevine Rep. will be there with her full display of books and literature.

AS our new GSRs know, throughout the pandemic, Liz has not been able to secure any GSR Kits. Lately, GSO has simply referred us to the virtual list of the contents of the Kits. Well, Liz and I feel this is unacceptable and have taken on the task of making our own kits. With the extraordinary assistance of Ray S., our CO manager, who gathered all the GSR pamphlets etc., and Terry G. who helped organize all of the inserts into pocket folders, we now have 8 new GSR Kits ready for distribution. I will bring them to our September meeting at St Johns. If, however, you need them sooner, please let me know and we’ll make it work.

We all face important few months ahead of us! 3 positions come to an end with the elections at our November meeting. They are the DCM, Alt. DCM, and Webmaster. Liz and I are updating all our job descriptions, making them D-71 specific. Our goal is to have them ready by our September meeting. We urge all of you to consider candidates for all our open positions. And…as you consider, be mindful of the amazing progress we have made with Zoom and the creation of D-71’s Website. Our new trusted servants need to have basic computer skills and to be teachable!

Regarding Area 51’s #6000.00++ surplus, I hope some of you have ideas from your groups as to how to use it to carry A.A.’s message. The same for the $11,000.00+ donation. These suggestions need to be into the Area Treasurer ASAP. One more piece to these funds is the difference between the surplus and the donation. The surplus is bound by the Advisory Action which states that if the suggested use of an area surplus, when voted on at the Delegate’s final Assembly of his/her term does not pass, the surplus goes directly to GSO. An accepted donation remains for use in the area. 

I am holding off reporting on our Growth and Maintenance initiatives as we are meeting in person next week at the Summer Committee meeting. We face some major decisions at that time so Liz and I will catch you up in September.

That’s all I have for now. Take it away Liz and have a great meeting!!

Respectfully submitted,

Dale L. DCM D-71; Chair Area Sub-committee, Growth and Maintenance


District 71 Treatment Committee Report


Agenda, D-71 GSR Meeting, 8/14/21