District 71 Treatment Committee Report
We participated in the Sobriety and Beyond Group 7 pm meeting in Forest City. The speaker’s message besides ESH, focused on the importance of service with in our home groups and at the district level. Bridging the Gap was explained and volunteer packets were handed out. A lot of information was gathered so that we could get a better understanding of Rutherford County and how AA operates within its boundaries. We also asked regarding Rutherford County Hospital…where do they send the detox patient for treatment. Interestingly, many are sent to Spartanburg SC.; some to Greenville SC and some to Shelby NC. This is a huge district and it will require us to some extensive travel. I am going to look for AA members in Rutherford County to help me out. I also met a physical therapist from the county and she filled me in on the “flavor” of the hospital since it is in a rural setting similar to Transylvania Hospital.
The three liaison volunteers representing AA at Pathways Unit have reported that there is enthusiasm from the staff for the AA meetings, and tell me the 3 groups are very dedicated to serving the sick and suffering.
I have spoken to Linda S. our CPC chairperson and will ask to meet with her soon to set up meetings with a couple of the hospitals to introduce the services that AA has to offer.
In service to AA
Terry G.
Treatment Team Chairperson