District 71Business Meeting

                                                             District 71 Business Meeting

                                                              May 13, 2023, 8:30 AM


In Attendance:




Edie D.

Linda Jo



Caryl B.


DCM Report: Liz

Our delegate is back from the 73rd conference in NYC and posted her summary on the Delegate’s Corner on the Area 51 website. She will also provide more information at the Area Assembly in Raleigh, June 2-4. Also at the assembly will be more discussions pertaining to NC business and there will be workshops. This is open to all members. Liz is chairing a workshop on Saturday night on Carrying the Message in changing times. Liz would appreciate any feedback and/or ideas and welcomes anyone who wants to join the team if you are planning to attend. Please let her know ASAP since they are planning now. More information is posted on the website. Liz is also planning to have a zoom meeting once a month to discuss “how to find information from GSO”. The time and dates to TBA. The international AA meeting is to be held in Vancouver in July 2025.

Alternate DCM: Annette


Secretary: Stephanie

Report read, motion to accepted, 2ND and passed.

Treasurer: David

Absent, report posted on the website.

Web Administer: Valerie

Report posted on the website. Flyers for Founder’s Day for NC 70 and NC 71 are posted.

CO Trustee: Mike

The board meeting was held, and we are solvent. Ray is cost saving wherever possible and is doing a great job. Grapevine is looking for stories to be submitted.

Service Committee Chairs Report:

CPC, PI, Treatment and Bridging the Gap: All open positions.

Corrections: Terry

Spending money to take literature to the Spindale Prison and they are asking for money for a Grapevine subscription. The first Saturday in October will be a Corrections Workshop with speakers, former incarcerated people on how they got sober in prison. Received approval for $400.00 that is in the budget, to be spent for the event. Maggie Valley Church will be the venue and further planning is in progress.

Events: Ellen

Absent, report on the website. A list of needs for the Founder’s Day picnic is posted. TBA: Liz and Val will hold a zoom meeting for planning.

Grapevine: Sally


GSR Reports:

Linda Jo: Meeting change for the zoom meeting on Thursday night will be posted.

Valerie: The Hendersonville Young People’s meeting had a big turn out with 25 people in attendance.

Old Business:

Pricing for the bookmarks with QR codes was discussed and a motion to have 500 bookmarks, double-sided and lamented for $284.70 + tax, was made, 2ND and passed, Linda Jo will proceed with placing the order to have them ready for the Founder’s Day picnic.

New Business:

1.       Liz: the nurses at the Pardee Detox center are requesting literature. She is going to obtain more information from the new discharge planning social worker and will report back at the July meeting. Further discussion was tabled until then.

2.       A motion to change the district meeting time back to 9:30 was made. Voted, 5 against and 3 for. Due to not enough members in attendance, discussion was tabled to next meeting.

3.       Establish a number needed for a quorum.

Motion to close and seconded.

Closed with the Responsibility Prayer.

Next Meeting July 8,2023 8:30 AM




May 2023 Treasurer’s Report
