Our Delegate is back from the 73rd conference and posted her summary from the big meeting in NYC. I just received this information last night and Valerie got it up immediately. Our district has been informed. I mentioned this because I received multiple call and even one from another state where people had not known about some of the conference agenda items. I had offered to help people navigate the pre conference document ( 1000+ pages on zoom )but sat alone. I thought it was important to do this just in case. Upcoming is our Area Assembly June 2-4th in Raleigh and here our Delegate will provide more information about the conference. For many years changes to our literature have been made. Many people believe this is what is needed to be done to make aa more inclusive and accessible, while others strongly believe the core literature should not be changed at all. Some believe things have been done on GSB (General Service Board) without the backing and support of the fellowship . This year our chair resigned. I suspect we will learn a lot from our delegate in regards to the multitude of letters we received that were quite vague. I could write many pages discussing all of this. The purpose of GSO and GSB is to support the fellowship and help carry the message to the still suffering alcoholic through the many avenues ( cpc, literature, corrections, PI, accessibilities ect….)
June 2-4 we will have more to discuss in NC pertaining to our business and have workshops. This is open to all members. Please see this item on our website. I am chairing a workshop on Saturday night with help from Alt DCM in district 70 on Carrying the message in changing times ( Virtual, In Person, and Accessibilities). I would appreciate any ideas or feedback and welcome anyone to join our team if you plan on attending. Please reach out ASAP if so. We are planning now.
I received a call about a safety issue in our district and have sent Valerie a safety worksheet from GSO to post on website. There is a multitude of information for members on this sheet with links to many other documents and things to consider when dealing with unsafe situations. I would consider adding Safety information at each of your groups on bulletin boards and consider incorporating the yellow safety card somehow into your readings or post them with fliers or meeting schedules. Of course, each group is autonomous. My home group, Big Town, included this topic in their group inventory a few years back. Anyhow, it seems one can never be too safe, and we all want new people to have a place to recover. Imagine feeling scared to go to a meeting and not finding a solution to Alcoholism…..
Assembly June 2-4 in Raleigh
Founder’s Day June 10th Holmes State Park
State Convention July 20-23 in Lake Junaluska
Vancouver 2025 international
And much much more on our website nc71.org