Good day, Fellow District Members:

I am pleased that I can attend and help to support Olivia in her transition to the position of Web Administrator.  I will continue to work with her until she becomes comfortable in her monthly duties.

I should be able to regularly attend our District meetings and events and I am looking at some of the open positions to fill in.

TRI-District Service Rally:

I am looking forward to participating in the Tri-District Service Rally.  I continually try to encourage our newer members to participate in the different service structures.


We haven’t had but a couple of changes to our weekly schedule of meetings.  1 closing and one adjustment in the format of a meeting.  We seem to be rebounding slowly but surely from COVID.

Below are the analytics for the month.  Our views increased quite a bit since January.  As you can see we had a large spike at the beginning of February and then it has resumed its consistency. We had 386 visits to the website.  Most from the United States, 3 from Canada, 2 from Germany and 1 from the Philippine



District 71 Business Meeting


District 71 February 2024 Business Meeting Agenda