Meeting Minutes

District 71 meeting minutes November 6, 2021 9:30am

Dale L. opened the meeting at 9:35

In attendance:

Dale L.

Liz G.

Scott A.

Dave L.

Keenan G.

Larry L.

Linda Q.

Linda Jo.

Nathaniel R.

Alfred L.

Ian C.

Annette K.

Stephanie G.

DCM- Dale L.

Thanks to Liz for stepping in to chair last month's meeting. Dale was still recovering from surgery. We will meet in person next month on December 11th at St. John’s in the Wilderness.

Elections will be held at that meeting. Also the budget will be discussed.

Next week is the fall assembly at Lake Junaluska November 12-14th. It is not far from Hendersonville so people are encouraged to drive over for the business portion Saturday from 12-6:00. There are eight agenda items to be voted on. They are all listed on the District 71 website. We went through them and all of the items were approved by the members present.

Elections will be held in December. Here is the list of positions open:


Alternate DCM

Web Administrator

Central Office




Please announce at your home groups that these 12th step service positions need to be filled, and see if there are any volunteers.

Dale has been working on the area inventory that will be addressed at the spring 2022 assembly. All will be able to participate with ideas and will be able to submit them by e mail or regular mail.

Secretary- Larry L.

Larry was not present at the last meeting. Ike F. took notes for him and the report was sent out

by Larry after writing the minutes. Minutes were approved by motion, second and all in favor.

Treasurer Report- Keenan G.

Present balance $1923.10

Zoom was the only fee $14.99


Big Town $139.47

O.D.A.T. $40.00

Hendersonville Men’s $100.00

Event cash $252.00

Fireside $35.00

Voted to contribute $100.00 to St. John’s in the Wilderness church for the use of the building for district meetings quarterly. Motion to accept, seconded and passed.

Scott A- Webmaster

Website is very active. This month 458 visits to 1000 pages

Year to date 5300 visits to 12,000 pages

Website activity up 1000% from last year.

Central Office- Dave L.

Next meeting will be next week. No change in the status of the office. Literature and medallions can be purchased and left outside the door or mailed.

CPC-PI Linda Jo

September 19th a 30 minute CPC presentation was given at St. John’s in the Wilderness.

Last February a CPC presentation was given at 7th Day Adventis church in Fletcher and was live streamed by the church. The result was an interest by some of the church elders, who wanted to know more. A new event has been planned in Myrtle Beach on February 2-3. With Area 51 and Area 62 (South Carolina)

Treatment- Stephanie

Stephanie dropped off the call before giving a report. Her job is Bridging the Gap primarily, but our treatment chair resigned so we need to get her some help with treatment.

GSR reports

Linda Q. reported Early Bird meetings going well

Annette from Big Town has added a speaker meeting on the last Thursday of the month .

Please refer to website for meeting times

Larry L. announced the Thanksgiving Day Alcothon at the Hendersonville Group. Meetings every 2 hours starting at 12:00. Last meeting at 8:00pm. Food and fellowship. Flier is posted on the District site.

Scott A. mentioned that a full description of all of the service positions are posted on the District 71 website in the password protected portion. This could be helpful in getting people interested in the positions.

Meeting closed with the Responsibility Statement at 10:34


Agenda, D-71 GSR Meeting, 12/11/21 @0930

