Agenda, D-71 GSR Meeting, 12/11/21 @0930
Where: In person at St. John in the Wilderness, Flat Rock, in the Wilderness Room
Open: Serenity Prayer
DCM Report: Dale L.(Will report on Fall Assembly, Area Inventory, Elections and more)
ADCM Report: Liz G.
Secretary Report: Larry L. Vote to approve the minutes.
Treasurer Report: Keenan G. Vote to approve the financial report.
Present the 2022 budget for approval.
Webmaster Report: Scott A. Alt Webmaster, Valerie V.
CO Trustee: David L.
Service Committee Chairs Report:
CPC-PI: Linda Jo
Treatment/Bridging the Gap: Stephanie
GSR Reports:
Elections for 2022-24:
Webmaster. Alt Webmaster
Central Office Trustee
Service positions: PI TF/Brigding the Gap
Corrections Grapevine Events
Old Business:
Final comments from Dale:
Close with The Responsibility Statement
Next meeting: Saturday, January 8, 2022 @0930 via Zoom