Minutes 12-11-21

District 71 Meeting Minutes - December 11, 2021

In attendance:

Dale L.

Liz G.

Scott A.

Larry L.

Keenan G.

Linda Q.

Linda Jo

Annette K.

Stephanie G.

Ike F.


Terry G.

Pat H.

Michelle M.

DCM: Dale L.

Dale expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to serve as the District 71 DCM for the last two years. She expressed the importance to our individual recovery in serving as a trusted servant in AA.

The fall assembly that met at Lake Junaluska in November had 250 members in attendance. The participation of members from District 71 was very nice. There were nine agenda items to be considered for votes and all passed. (please go to the District 71 website to view each individual item)

There were several issues with the venue at Lake Junaluska, including handicap accessibility, problems with street crossings, stairs, distance from hall to rooms, ect. It is a very nice place, but perhaps not suited for large assemblies.

Our Area 51 delegate, Rainer, gave an excellent speech which can be found on the District 71 website in the readers corner.

Area 51 Inventory forms are available on the website. The Area would like to receive feedback from as many AA members as possible. Forms can be filled out and submitted by e mail or regular mail.

April 2,2022 District 70 pre-conference with District 71 as co-host. Will be in person.

Print outs on Safety and AA were passed out to share with home groups.

ADCM: Liz G.

Liz attended the Fall assembly at Lake Junaluska. Also brought up accessibility issues.

Liz has been working on compiling an accurate list of groups and the representatives or contact people for each group.

Still hard at work on the P-3 manual.

Secretary: Larry L.

Larry thanked Ike F. for taking the minutes for the November meeting. Ike and Larry also attended the fall assembly at Lake Junaluska. Larry filling in as alternate GSR. Minutes had been sent out to all members. Motion to accept minutes was seconded and passed.

Treasurer: Keenan G.

$ 1848.31 in account at this time.

Included payments to Zoom and the Domain charge. Also $215.19 in contributions

(Please see treasurer’s report on the website)

Proposed budget for 2022:

Workshops $250.00

Treatment $500.00

Corrections $500.00

CPC $400.00

PI $400.00

Meeting place fees $300.00

Pre-Conference $500.00

DCM/ADCM $2000.00

IT $500.00

Events $500.00

Discretionary funds $500.00

Grapevine $150.00

Prudent reserve $500.00

Total 2022 budget $7000.00

Voted on and approved

Web Administrator- Scott A.

Scott thanked everyone for allowing him to serve in this position for the last two years. Many improvements have taken place due to Scott’s hard work. Numbers of website visitors monthly and year to date are available on the website.

Central Office- Dave L.

Dave L. not in attendance. No report, although I think office rules have not changed since last month.

CPCPI- Linda Jo

Looking forward to the February 2 event in Myrtle Beach SC. The CPC presentation will help North and South Carolina have a better understanding of our fellowship.


No report

Unable to get in touch with Advent Health. They have a new person in the mental health position who is still getting things going.

Elections for 2022 service positions:

DCM: Liz G. will be moving from ADCM to the DCM position

ADCM: to be determined

Central office: Mike J.

Web Administrator : Valerie

Events: Terry G.

Corrections: Michelle M.

Grapevine: To be determined

Treatment- Bridging the Gap: Stephanie G.


PI: to be determined

GSR reports:

Ike F.- Hendersonville Group: starting the first of the year there will a Monday 12:00 noon meeting.

Speed Bump Meeting: Group will do Joe and Charlie tapes Wednesday 12:00 Speaker meeting 1st and 3rd Fridays

Next meeting on zoom Saturday January 8 -9:30 AM

Meeting adjourned 10:40




DCM Report, GSR Meeting, 12/11/21 @0930