August 13, 2022 Minutes

In attendance:

Terry G Ike F Don H Valerie V John O Larry L Dale L Linda Jo Pat

District 71 Meeting

August 13, 2022 at 9:30 AM EST

DCM- Terry G standing in for Liz

Liz had to work so Terry took over the meeting. Liz will be going to Durham for an area assembly on August 20.

The movie night was a success with 40 people attending.

Dale L. gave a report on a new meeting in Tryon at the Equestrian Center.They will meet Wednesday and Thursday at 7:00 at Cabin 14. The group is called Greener Pastures.

Secretary- Larry L

Minutes from July were posted on the web and were accepted.

Treasurer- Keenan

Not in attendance. His report will be posted on the District website

CPC- Linda Jo

Linda Jo attended a meeting of the western Carolina districts 70 and 80.Presentation for the excess funds to go to PI to be used for billboards, radio and newspaper. Also discussed on line marketing and capturing Google business sites.

Treatment- Don H

New in patient treatment center in Hendersonville. Advanced Health Center. They are interested in Bridging the Gap and having meetings there. Don has already given them literature.

There are now meetings at Pardee Detox on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. You can contact Don at 828-883-7878

Corrections- Terry G

There are now 11 groups that have corrections contribution jars. Groups are encouraged to donate funds for big books for the prisoners. All the jails remain closed to meetings except the Henderson County Jail. Polk county jail has no meeting space but big books are put on the book cart for inmates to have access. Lt. Bradley is in charge of coordinating with the jails. You can come and fill out a form to have a background check to allow you to volunteer.

Henderson County jail has Spanish literature and big books.

Events- Terry G.

District 70-71 will be hosting a breakfast on Saturday October 1. At United Methodist Church.Breakfast is at 8:30. Speaker at 10:00 will be Keith M., our archivist.

New Business-

Open positions for Grapevine rep and PI positions Need stories for the 5th edition of the big book.

A more reader friendly version of the 4th edition is in the works.

Terry G. has asked for $400.00 to be added to the events fund for use for food. Motion passed.

GSR reports-

Ike F.- Hendersonville group. The group will be having a cookout on September 24th at 5:00 pm. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided. Encourage folks to bring a covered dish. 7:00 open discussion meeting will follow.

John O.- Hendersonville Men’s Group. The back yard group will be moving to the United Methodist church on 6th Ave. Tuesday and Thursday at noon. It will be on the 1st floor.

Terry would like the GSR preamble to be read

Next meeting will be in person at St. Johns in the Wilderness September 10th at 9:30 am EST

Closed with the Responsibility Statement at 10:11


Events Chair


Web Administrator Report