District 71 Zoom Meeting Minutes, April 11, 2020
Dale L., DCM, opened the meeting at 9:36 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer; this was first meeting in this format. Eleven participants.
DCM Dale asked for general feedback on the meeting situation; GSRs reported. Meeting online when possible. Zoom “codes” can be found on StrangeCamels website home page (Hendersonville Men’s Group). That group requires a password in addition to code. Many AA’s are discovering new meetings or attending ones in other NC cities, other states. Very few groups are able to set up online contributing so be sure to send money when you can to the District and Area, GSO.
Please refer to attached DCM report following the minutes for all information.
ADCM Office vacant
SECY Kathryn H-F, no report.
Treasurer Buzz H. - Cash-on-Hand reported as $1403.00. Expenses from Feb 8-Mar 13 were paid, and $100 donation to the PreConvention. $89.41 was received for PI. Income from the Event was $197 and we had $642 in donations. From Mar 14-April 10, expenses paid and $79.33 in Donations. Treas. report accepted, all in favor.
CPC Linda S. - Nothing new, will pick up on contact with Pardee as soon as possible.
PI Kathy K. - Ready with pamphlets just prior to the “shut down.” We are very well-stocked and ready to move ahead.
Corrections - open
Treatment - open
Central Office still open?
Grapevine open - Ordering information: 800-631-6025 and www.aagrapevine.org.
Old Business
Service positions are always available - all were encouraged to consider our present service roles, be ready to help others into service. It’s up to all of us!
New Business
1. Technology is our new reality, and issues with meetings, including the District meeting, were discussed. Scott A. shared his experience with using his professional background to set up a webpage for the HVL Men’s group. The password they use helps with security. See District 70’s website for a good example. Scott can advise, help “build” a site for D-71 but cannot administrate as this is really a full-time job and not appropriate for volunteers. Steps forward were discussed. Kathryn HF made a motion to accept this advise and secure the domain name of NC71.org; seconded by Lynn W., all in favor. We should set aside about $350 in total but this first step is under $50 for the year.
2. Groups having money for Corrections - it is OK to forward this in check form to Buzz H. for deposit. Send to: D-71 Treasurer, 1311 Pace Road, Hendersonville, NC 28792.
3. Several Big Books were given to the Transylvania Co. Jail, Women’s Pod.
Close with Responsibility Statement at 10:31 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn HF, 5/3/2020 //