GSR Memo - April 24, 2020
District 71
Memo to: Officers, Chairs, GSRs, Alt GSRs
From: Dale L., DCM
Subject: Follow-up from 4/23 Zoom Group Conscience Meeting
Date: 4/24/20
I called the meeting via Zoom last evening (4/23/20 @ 6:00PM) to discuss securing a District 71 Zoom Meeting space. This would give us our own space for our monthly meetings. This will also give the District a “Room” for the officers to use to plan agendas, discuss up coming items under New Business…all in order to better serve all of you at our monthly meetings. The cost is nominal at about $15.00 monthly.
In attendance last evening were: Dale l. (DCM), Past DCM Terry G., Scott A., Lynn W, Larry L, Chris V.W., Liz G., Kathryn (Sec.)
Looking at the list of attendees, you can see that only 5 groups had GSR representation. This number was not sufficient to vote if we needed to vote. As it turned out, the group decided that a vote was not necessary and that we could indeed go ahead and secure a Zoom Meeting Room for District 71. Scott A. along with Buzz, Treasurer, will do this asap.
Believe me, I am fully aware of how much this Covid 19 Pandemic is affecting us all. These are unprecedented times to be sure! I am, however, deeply concerned about the increasing lack of participation in our District. First things first…what we need most is group representation. The most important Trusted Servant position in our AA service structure is the GSR. To emphasize this even more…Read this…
The G.S.R Preamble
“We are the General Service Representatives. We are the link in the chain of communication for our groups with the GSC and the world of A.A. We realize the ultimate authority is a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. As trusted servants, our job is to bring information to our groups in order that they can reach an informed group conscience. In passing along this group conscience, we are helping to maintain the unity and strength so vital to our fellowship. Let us, therefore, have the patience and tolerance to listen while others share, the courage to speak up when we have something to share, and the wisdom to do what is right for our group and A.A. as a whole."
The first time I read this Preamble…I had “goose bumps”!!
The next District meeting is May 9th via Zoom at 9:30 am. When we secure our “room”, you will be emailed the info on how to join. Meanwhile, I want to set up a few volunteers to call all of the GSRs and ALT GSRs to remind them of the May9th meeting. Also, if a GSR has stepped down then we need to ask that group tosend a member to represent the group until they elect a GSR. Let’s start here,increase our group participation then work on the service positions.
Please call, text or email with your willingness to join the PHONE CHAIN!
828-234-2832 (call or text), or e-mail,
Thank you all!
With AA love and prayers,
Dale L., DCM D-71