Agenda - May 9, 2020


AGENDA - District 71

May 9, 2020 9:30 AM

Our District “Zoom Space” Meeting, hosted by Scott A., GSR HVL Men’s Group and Chaired by Dale L., DCM

Open: The Serenity Prayer

DCM Report: Dale

ADCM: Report: Scott A., (Scott has agreed to be our Acting Alt DCM until a member stands for the position)

Secretary Report: Katherine

Treasurer Report: Buzz, approval of Treasurer’s Report

1. Need for a debit card

2. Need for a 2nd signer for our checking account should the treasurer not be available.


CPC: Linda Jo

PI: Kathy

TREATMENT: position open

Ad Hoc: Pardee Detox “Bridging the Gap”: Dale and Liz G. (acting chairs)

Pardee Detox: Lynn

Is anyone willing to stand for any of the following positions:




BTG Coordinator

CO Trustee



Any GSR Reports/Announcements?

7th Tradition basket: D-71 welcomes checks from your groups.

OLD BUSINESS: Bridging the Gap, on hold until Pardee opens to allow meetings from the community.

NEW BUSINESS: Need an Alt DCM ASAP (Scott A. will serve as Acting

ADCM until someone stands for the position)

1. Discussion: Our D-71 Website: More updates from Scott A.

2. Discussion: D-71 Zoom Space, monthly cost, how else can our “space” benefit our District, Scott A.

3. Discussion: “Voting”… with such low attendance at our meetings we do not meet a quorum to vote on any issues. I would like to propose that, until we have more participation, the GSR’s, officers and Service Committee Chairs present make up the Quorum for that meeting.

Questions/comments/thoughts from all present?

Look at upcoming events. During this unprecedented time, you will be updated with any cancellations.

Close with the Responsibility Statement

“When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that: I am responsible!”

Upcoming Events:

District 71 meets the 2nd Saturday of the month @9:30 site of the

Hendersonville group meetings on Willow.

Next D-71 meeting, May 9th.

Spring Assembly,July 10-12 , Raleigh North Hilton.

2020 International Convention, July 2-5, Detroit, MI

WNC Tri-District Service Rally, August 29th. Details to follow

Hosted by Districts 70,71 and 80.

Fall “Election” Assembly, October 30, 31, Nov. 1st. Raleigh, see flyer

First weekend in November, Gratitude Dinner, Details to follow.


DCM Report - May 9, 2020


GSR Memo - April 24, 2020