Happy New Year District 71!  I hope all are well.  This coming Saturday we will be meeting at the Hendersonville Group location.  For those who were not at our last meeting, we voted to have an in person meeting this month and decided to meet at this location.  For years our district meetings met at Willow Rd location and many of us are excited to be able to meet here again.  We  normally would be meeting via zoom but group members thought it would be important to meet in person for this meeting since we will be setting our budget during this meeting.  Our treasurer has the old budget that we can work off of and I will bring many copies for everyone.  Starting off this new year I want to ask all GSR’s to ask their groups at next business how the district can serve them.  We are here to support.  Please let us know.  Come to the meeting and let us know  or use Contact us on website.

At our last meeting we ran out of time and many things were tabled and it felt quite chaotic to me.  That is just my perspective.  I am hoping we can conduct all of our business in ample time we have allowed.  We should adhere to Robert's rules and try not to get off topic so we can get everything complete.  I believe I am very guilty of this so  please help!  At our last meeting we voted a new secretary and treasurer in.  We also need a CPC / PI coordinator and Treatment coordinator.  These are very exciting positions and I hope everyone is announcing at their meetings that we have these openings.  Linda Jo announced at last meeting that she had many packets for Adopt a Doc program.  Please talk to your members and see if anyone would like the acrylic holder and information to give to their MD.  I will have all of this at the meeting.  

At last assembly new officers were elected and I am attaching minutes from the event.  Our new Delegate Julie R.  has sent out information for our next committee meeting where Annette and I will attend and start helping with pre conferences.  Our western region pre conference will be April 1st.  While we are not hosting this year I hope we can get a big group together to attend.  

 In Julie's email she also mentioned the new service manual and the wealth of information it provides.  I am attaching a link to this as well.  If you are a new gsr there is information on what your role is.  Also the 12 concepts are in the manual and we need to consider them as we conduct business . I am also including Grapevine letter for open position.     AAWS is continuing the Mixed-Title Quantity Discount based on the sum total of all books/pamphlets in one order. A full list of items that receive this discount is available on request:  publishingnews@aa.org 


There are many events coming up.  Freedom from Bondage – corrections conference is our area corrections conference and if you have not been it is inspiring and loads of fun!  This will be posted on the website soon and I will have flyers at the meeting.  It is far out but our State Convention is being held in Lake Junaluska this year.  Information will be available on website soon.
  Please get the word out and let everyone know we will be at Willow Rd  See you all Saturday at 930.







WEB Administrator


Agenda 1/14/23- 930 am