Agenda 1/14/23- 930 am
GSR DITRICT MEETING- 1/14/23 Willow Rd (Hendersonville Group)
Open: Serenity Prayer
DCM Report: Liz
ADCM Report: Annette
Secretary Report: Stephanie
Treasurer Report: David
Web Administrator Report: Valerie
CO Trustee: Mike
Service Committee Chairs Report:
Bridging the Gap
Corrections: Terry
Events: Ellen
Grapevine: Sally
GSR Reports:
Old Business:
1. Teri made a motion to re – request district covering airfare to National Corrections Conference that she attended in Chicago. This was voted down at November meeting. Teri was not present at this meeting prompting need to revote. Members present at November meeting voted against reimbursement on basis of not having prior approval for unbudgeted trip. Cannot request funds after the fact – AA moves slow – fellowship needs to approve if it is not already budgeted
Last month at end of meeting we were out of time and tabled this discussion. Moving forward and conducting business we WILL REVOTE AND THEN HERE MINORITY OPINION PER ROBERT’S RULES if needed. Two things happened- we did not end our business with the responsibility statement and members felt unheard.
2. Google workspace discussion- revisit?
3. Service rally for new year –
4. 1. 7th tradition donations to area and gso?- next meeting when we do budget for new year? Or send now and again next year? Service coordinators – consider a budget for next year to discuss at next meeting
New Business:
1. Moving forward conducting business – Adopt Robert’s Rules
- Increase corrections- $1000? PO BOX is 148 a year- discuss
- Freedom from Bondage is 2 night stay , gas – ( about 400 of budget is spent – leaving little $ if we stay at budgeted $500 from last year – we moved funds from miscellaneous funds last year.
- Send St John’s agreed upon 100 for last year – vote to give H Ville group 25 per month if in person/hybrid approved ( 300)
- Coffee and snacks – district funds or have a can? ( create a district meeting fund for all the paper and print ink needed too.
- Each coordinator has ability to order supplies within budget without approval for required job? Or do we need to vote at meeting prior?
- Treasurer needs detailed receipts – not just an amount.
- Decrease pre conference to $100 since we are not hosting this year
3. HYBRID MEETING - If we consider returning to in person - "We are considering offering a hybrid District meeting to hopefully get a larger participation for our monthly meetings." This will allow both in person and those on Zoom to be a participant. – proposed by Valerie – Web Administrator –
4. Any more new business?
Close with The Responsibility Statement
Next meeting: second Saturday in Feb. – TBA location/virtual/hybrid?