12-10-22 meeting

District 71 Business Meeting

December 10, 2022 9:30am EST

In attendance:




Linda Jo




Terry G

Ike F

Valerie V

David W

John O

Larry L


DCM: Liz

Thanks to Annette for covering the November meeting. No report.

ADCM: Annette

Annette attended the Assembly in Raleigh on November 19-20. 337 people attended, 249 voters. Area 51 Delegate is Julie R. of Raleigh. Alternate delegate is Denise M. of Raleigh. Chair is Greg K. of Charlotte, Alternate chair is Lindsey H. of Charlotte, Secretary is Debbi A. of Wilmington, treasurer is George S. of Raleigh,Register is Nancy B. of Wilmington.

Other information about agenda items can be found on the District 71 website.

Secretary: Larry L.

Thanks to Ike F. for covering for Larry in November. Larry posted the minutes on the website. Copies of the minutes were available at the meeting. Motion to accept, seconded and voted on.

Treasurer: Keenan

Beginning balance $4351.09

Group donations $120.00

Stripe donation $140.85

Assembly costs combined $422.01

Unity breakfast $77.70

Report accepted.

Valerie V.: Web administrator

354 visits to the website. 314 meeting information, Visits up 15% from last month.

CPC : Linda Jo

September promotions included newspaper ads and radio and TV spots for recovery. The Transylvania Times did an article on AA. It can be found by going to their website and look for Monday's edition. Coming up 10 spots for Christmas and there were 10 spots for Thanksgiving.

Book packages need to be delivered to various libraries in Brevard, Columbus, Rutherfordton, Forest City and Transylvania. Volunteers are needed.

Adopt a Doc packets were distributed to members to take back to their home groups. Anyone interested in taking a packet to their doctor at the next visit. Plastic holders are available as needed.

Treatment: Open position

Bridging the Gap: Stephanie

No report. Stephanie will be rotating out.

Corrections: Terry G.

Terry went to Chicago for the Corrections assembly. There were 15 members from District71 in attendance. Our district won the bid to host the 2024 assembly to be held in Charlotte. Complete information can be found in Terry’s report on the website.

Grapevine: Sally

No report. Sally is new to the position and learning the duties

GSR reports:

Jason- GSR for the Fellowship Group. They will be holding an ugly sweater contest on December 21st at 5:30. Trophies and desserts will be offered. Before the 6:30 meeting.

Ike F- Hendersonville Group. They will be hosting alcothons on Christmas day and on New Years Eve. Christmas meetings 11, 2-4-6- and 8:00. Anyone can sign up to chair. Chairpersons choice as to meeting format. New Years Eve will be 2-4-6-and 8:00. Food will be desserts only, and lots of coffee.

Linda- GSR Early Birds Group. They will be adding a 7:30 am Saturday Step meeting starting in January. Zoom will remain 7 days a week.

Jo: Happy Hour. No report

John O. Hendersonville Mens

John C.: Midday Group . Tuesdays and Thursday meetings at 12:00 noon

Linda Jo- Big Town Group

Carol- Brevard. Womens Joy of Living meeting Saturday 10:00

Eddie- Speed Bump Group

Ellen - Cedar Mountain. Meeting change

Please see the website for meeting days and times for these groups.

New Business:

Need to discuss end of year contributions to GSO, ect.

Corrections budget needs to be increased. Budget for PO Box that will be obtained for the prisoner correspondence program.

Terry wanted a second vote for the reimbursement for her plane fare to Chicago. It was previously denied due to not being requested beforehand . Subject tabled until the January meeting.

Elections for 2023:

Treasurer: David W. will be taking over for Keenan

Secretary: Stephanie will be taking over for Larry L.

BTG: Open

CPCPI: open

Treatment: Open

Grapevine: Sally

Please ask at home groups for members willing to stand for service

positions at the District level.

Meeting adjourned at 10:35. Next meeting to be held in person at

St. John’s in the Wilderness January 14th at 9:30 am. We will vote

to see if we will meet in person every month or do zoom. Also we

will see if we can meet at the Hendersonville Group building at

Willow Rd.


Agenda 1/14/23- 930 am

