Oct. 8 minutes
District 71 Business Meeting
October 8,2022 9:30 am EST
In attendance:
Annette K
Larry L
Liz G
Linda Jo
Keenan G
Linda Q
Lynn W
David W
Sally H
Ellen O
Stephanie G
Valerie V
John O
For positions that will be rotating out for 2023 it is a good idea to go to the website and access the service positions descriptions (from the service manual). This will help incoming servants to understand the requirements.
All meetings at St. John’s in the Wilderness will be able to return to the Wilderness Room October 17th.There will be bins in the hallway for each group to keep their stuff.
There will be an assembly for Area 51 elections at the Hilton North Raleigh on November 19-20. GSO’s are urged to attend if your group can afford to send you. There are scholarships available for those that can not afford it.
Alternate DCM: Annette K.
No report
Secretary: Larry L.
Minutes from the September meeting were posted on the website. Motion to accept, seconded and passed to accept them.
Treasurer’s Report: Keenan G
Opening balance $3991.34
Checks for $18.00 and $42.20
Reimbursed Terry $84.02.
Closing Balance $3868.52
Budget is listed and itemized on the District 71 website
Web Administrator: Valerie V.
Visits to the website: 347 in the US 2 from Canada
Valerie has updated event fliers on the website.
Black Mountain is having their anniversary celebration on Halloween
Unity breakfast has been rescheduled for November 5. Volunteers are still needed to show up at 7:30 to help set up, and to bring breakfast items to share.
GSO project is asking for videos for the young peoples video project.
Central Office: Mike
No report
CPC: Linda Jo
Still having discussions and voting on the disbursement of the $9800.00 surplus from the Central Office.
$1800.00 to corrections for books and literature for the prisons
Billboard will go up in Buncombe county.
Radio PSA’s
1000 business cards
$500.00 additional to Terry for corrections related literature.
Invoices for ideas are welcome as the discussion and voting continue
Bridging the Gap: Stephanie G.
Finally got through to Advent Health. Met with the manager of the Behavioral Unit there about bringing AA meetings there. Also giving them information about AA.
Corrections: Terry G
No report. Not in attendance
Events: Terry and Ellen O.
Events have been updated and listed on our website. The new flier for the November 5 Unity breakfast will be sent to Valerie to post. Some fliers have made it to a lot of groups.
Position is open. Sally H. has expressed interest in filling this service position.
GSO Reports:
Linda Q. Early Birds. We will meet back in the Wilderness room October 17th. Still meet in person M-W-F with zoom continuing 7 days a week.
Ellen O.- Cedar mountain group needs support. Meets Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00 pm at the Cedar Mountain Community Center on 276.
Speed Bump Group meets on line and wants to have a group conscience on starting a on-line district.
John O.- Hendersonville Men’s Group. They are doing fine and wish to branch out in community service (corrections, ect.)
Mid Day Group is back Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Methodist Church on 6th Ave.
Pat- Sober Sisters announced a new meeting Friday 9:00 womens step meeting. This will be a separate meeting , not affiliated with the Sober Sisters Monday 9:00 am meeting. They will fill out the form on the website to be listed in the meeting list.
Linda Jo- Big Town Group. Sunday 1:00 pm Tuesday 7:00 pm. On zoom Monday and Thursdays 7:00 pm.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Sally H. has stood for the Grapevine position. Voted and accepted. Welcome Sally.
David W. will be alternate treasurer with Keenan and will take over the service position in 2023.
Linda Jo discussed the “adopt a doc” program where information packets have been put together to give to doctors. Anyone will to take one to their doctor would be appreciated.
Next Meeting November 12 9:30 am EST on Zoom
Close with the Responsibility Statement 10:30