Web Administrator Report
Well, here we are almost the end of the year with Thanksgiving just around the corner. I have posted 2 Alcathon flyers for both Asheville and the Hendersonville Group. I have added a couple of meeting changes and added a new page to our website. It is under Meeting and called Online Meeting Information. It has 3 buttons on it that will take you to the actual written material that has been put out by GSO and to the Worldwide Meeting Guide for Zoom meetings. It also has some FAQs about Online/Virtual Meetings that can be useful. I have to be honest. Ellen sent me a page from New Jersey, and I adjusted it for our website. I don’t believe in reinventing the wheel. I know the colors are a bit different, but I still haven’t found a color scheme that I particularly like.
I did want to ask for an updated list of emails for all the service positions so that I can make sure that our Contact page will connect to the right people.
The analytics are very strange looking this month. For some reason, we had an enormous spike in traffic on November 1. Halloween must have been really scary this year. We also had a large dip on November 6th. Everyone was too worried about the election?
We had 327 Visitors to our website 321 from the United States, 5 from Canada and 1 from France