District 71 August Minutes
District 71 Business Meeting
August 10, 2024
Open: Serenity Prayer
In Attendance:
Alan Dale
Stephanie Valerie
David Mike
Adam Laura
Chris J. Crystal A.
Bob A. Laurie
Gali L. Lydia G.
DCM Report: Alan
Concept 1 (SHORT FORM): bb p.574
Final responsibility and ultimate authority for A.A. world services should always reside
in the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship.
It has slowed down during the summer months. Dale and I attended the Growth & Maintenance (GM) on August 5. The focus of the meeting was to finalize our preparation for the Area 51 August Summer Committee meeting.
Continued to attend Polk County meetings.
Attended the MCO open house.
The August 2024 Beaming Beacon is available. Also available on The Area 51 Website in the
Delegates Corner tab.
Plan to attend the Area 51 Summer Committee Meeting August 17th and 18th.
Area 51 has group contributions, along with ‘new’ group ID numbers in the Area 51
website>information for members>group contributions.
Hope Coalition.
Thursday AM at 10:30...meeting with the Hope Youth Program director, 2 Alanon reps,
to plan the Alateen program for Henderson County. (Closest meeting currently is once a week in
Asheville). I already have 4 youth volunteers for them. There will be a meeting for teens, Thursdays at 6:30 at Hope Youth Connection on Justice Street.
Friday evening, 5 pm will be the 1st Teen AA meeting. Our own Ellen, a few random aa
members who were at the central office when I was there and some personal fellowship friends
have donated enough for the kids meeting to get off to a great start.
To date, I have 4 youth volunteers...but that 5pm time will have to be later due to work
commitments. Working on that. Adult Recovery Court proceeding well.
Secretary: Stephanie
A motion to accept the minutes without reading was made, 2nd and passed.
Web Administer: Valerie
Report posted on the website
Treasurer: David
Donations were $483.41, Expenses $581.08, Balance $2666.42. The report is posted on the website. Motion to accept was mad, 2nd and passed.
C0: Mike
Open house went week. However, there was a break in last week, the person was found in the bathroom and repairs were made.
Corrections: Laura
Discussion on using excess AA Corrections literature can be used by Treatment Committee.
1. Need an inventory of books and all literature
2. Alan is going to email all District 71 groups to vote on whether they agree or disagree with using unused correction literature for treatment to bring back to the district to review and discuss.
Events: Ellen O. absent. However, she is planning a fall event of AA Jeopardy for November.
Treatment: Mary Jo
She has contacted the treatment chair for Area 51 to discuss the extra $500.00 the area has, if can be used for the district. She is working on bringing 2 more meetings to Pardee treatment and has 2 groups interested. She is obtaining jars for the groups for treatment donations.
CPC,PI: Vacant. Dale handed a flyer out to the GSR’S for the Adopt-a Doc program.
Bridging the Gap: Vacant
Grapevine: Valerie GSO is looking for stories to be submitted.
GSR’S Report: None
Old Business:
1. Proposal to migrate the District 71 web site from Space to Word Press. May start after
summer 2024.
2. Create District 71 email accounts for Service positions. Target to start after summer
New Business:
1. The website is not being used much and has redundant information on it that can be found elsewhere.
2. Discuss filing District meeting minutes on file share.
3. A 3-person committee formed to research what information is redundant on the website. Alan, Adam and Valerie will meet monthly to discuss.
Close with the Responsibility Statement
Next meeting: September 14, 2024; at 9:30