WEB Administrator Report

Good Morning to Everyone:

I had two meeting changes this month.  One for a new meeting in Lake Toxaway and another for a change to the meeting at the Equestrian Center in Tryon. 

Our current analytics are:

The number of visitors that we had to the website was 358.  304 were unique visitors, there were a total of 544 page views. Most of 182 of the visits were direct visits, 174 were search bar visits and 2 were referrals from other sites. The majority of the searches used AA meetings in Hendersonville NC.  Only 4 of the searches were for NC 71.

336 United States

5     Netherlands

3     Germany

1     Canada

1     China

Nothing new to report for the Grapevine, except that they are always looking for stories to publish.

In love and Service

Valerie V.  Web Administrator/Grapevine Representative


District 71 August Minutes


July District Minutes