DCM Report-October
Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather. Our service coordinators have been super busy in our district, and you will find they have the most exciting news to report this month. I asked all members rotating out last month to update their positions at our last meeting. If you want to review the service positions go online to our website nc71.org and go to District 71 info, then select Service Position Description. Please review and let me know if it needs to be update and we can get that done on our website. I also want to encourage all to look at the district flowsheet so everyone will see why it is important to keep everything updated. Our original Web Administrator created all the current technology, and a lot of items are not being updated. In our Agenda I have this listed as new business and thought we could discuss having Scott come to our November meeting to go over this information with everyone so we can make an informed decision moving forward. I have been trying to keep our email list updated but have not been able to keep the spreadsheet updated. There is a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff that I need help with so I am hoping everyone will welcome an information session from Scott next month.
I got an email last week from St. John’s that any group that has been displaced due to remodeling can go back to original meeting location on October 17th. Sarah ( St John rep) also said that the church has got storage bins with labels on them for each group and they will be kept in the hallway leading to the Wilderness Room. Items are no longer to be kept in Kitchen because they now have filled the spaces with items meant for a kitchen! She also said if any group needs space beyond the storage bin to please contact her – Sarah Yeargin 693-9783.
I really hope we can get GSR’s from all our groups to attend Assembly in Raleigh November 19-20. It is an election Assembly and of course Agenda items for us to vote on. Please click on PDF’s below so you can take this information to group conscious meetings for a vote. Deadline for hotel reservations is October 25th. There is a Unity Fund available if any group needs help paying for hotel- please let me know ASAP so I can contact appropriate contact person at the Area and get funds for hotel. If anyone wants to caravan or carpool let me know. Last assembly we had only 4 participants. I really hope we have a lot of support this time. Any questions please don’t hesitate to email or call me (828) 450-7886. Please open attachments for information from Area about assembly, and grapevine news. The Agenda and minutes are below. See everyone on zoom
GSR DITRICT MEETING- ZOOM 930 October 8, 2022
839 998 9177 password - 71
Open: Serenity Prayer
DCM Report: Liz G
ADCM Report: Annette K.
Secretary Report: Larry L.
Treasurer Report: Keenan G.
Web Administrator Report: Valerie V.
CO Trustee: Mike J.
Service Committee Chairs Report:
CPC-PI: Linda Jo (PI is technically vacant)
Treatment – Don H.
Bridging the Gap: Stephanie G.
Corrections: Terry G.
Events: Terry G. and Ellen O.
Grapevine: open position-
GSR Reports:
Old Business: Open positions- PI and Grapevine. And in December we elect Secretary, Treasurer, CPC, PI, Treatment and Bridging the Gap . Liz had requested updated descriptions (received description from Stephanie – BTG Chair) BTG is currently grouped in with Treatment and. Would like this separated on the website. Members can go to website and click on District 71 Info – then hit Service Position Descriptions for more information. We still need to update contact information for service positions on website.
New Business:
Moving forward with Website and keeping everything updated discussion – See Flowchart
Can we do this?
Descriptions for positions should include this
Request to have Scott (COVID Technology guru) go over at meeting in November?
Assembly in Raleigh- hope all can attend
Plan for service rally beginning of the year?
How to get more involved
Change our format? - Each month speaker on different service topics?
Any other new business?
Close with The Responsibility Statement
Next meeting: Saturday, November 12th @ 930 via zoom
Last Month’s MINUTES
District 71 Meeting September 10, 2022 9:30 am EST
In attendance:
Annette K Terry G Ike F Larry L
Stephanie G Linda Jo
Liz G Don H Jo
Keenan G Mike
John O
DCM: Liz
Working with Keenan to have a new spread sheet system for Treasurer.
Secretary: Larry L.
Larry read the August minutes. They were accepted after motion.
Treasurer: Keenan G. Beginning balance $2746.23 Stripe donation $338.46 Mobile deposit $26.67 Mobile deposit $1121.00 Bojangles $6.45 Hilton Hotels $146.42 NCMO payment $131.66 Ending balance $3891.34
Web Administrator: Valerie V.
Valerie not in attendance. Sent report.
434 visits to the website 430 from US, 2 from Canada, 1 from China
CPC: Linda Jo
Had a discussion about the $9800.00 surplus. Final motion as follows;
$7000.00 to CPCPI for outreach to libraries, schools, newspaper articles, radio and television and billboards.
$1800 for corrections for books and literature
$1000.00 to GSO
Central office; Mike
Central office needs chairperson and alternate chairperson Needs more after hours volunteers
Needs spanish speaking volunteers
Needs more articles for the Mountain Doings
Treatment: Don H.
No report
Bridging the Gap: Stephanie
No report
Corrections: Terry G.
Need more volunteers at the Hendersonville County Jail Transylvania jail is now open
Gave 6 big books and 6 12 and 12s (soft cover) to Transylvania jail. Ordered 10 big books for Hendersonville Jail
10 big books to Transylvania Jail 10 big books to Rutherfordton jail
Correction contribution jugs placed at meetings are going well.
Events: Terry G.
October 1 breakfast at Hope United Methodist Church needs volunteers. Need at least 6 people for food service. Need people to bring casseroles
District 71 in charge of set up, District 70 in charge of clean up. Volunteers need to be at the church at 7:30 am.
Would like a sobriety countdown at the end of the meeting.
Grapevine: No representative GSR Report:
Ike F. Hendersonville Group. We discussed animal support animals being allowed in meetings
Plans for purchasing items for September 24th cook out. 5-7:00 pm at the Hendersonville Group at 1624 Willow Rd.
John O. Hendersonville Mens. Will meet quarterly for business
Jo. for Happy Hour Group. Discussion of displeasure over the new preamble wording
Linda Jo. Big Town Group will have to meet outside on September 27th.
Old Business: Need Grapevine rep Need PI rep
New Business:
Need to prepare for positions rotating out in January. Descriptions of positions are on the district web site Positions rotating are Secretary, CPC,Treatment and PI
In Love & Service,
Liz Grant DCM71