September 10, 2022

I apologize for not attending this month’s meeting. I am in Savannah visiting my uncle.

There haven't been a lot of group changes this month but the Mid Day group is back in session and the Back Yard group has disbanded.

I posted the Unity Breakfast and the Hendersonville, September Cookout as well as the Women’s Hybrid Spiritual Breakfas

Analytics for this past month:

434 Web visits the most happening on the 12th of August and the least on the 3rd of September.

Out of the 434 visits 430 were from all over the United States and 2 from Canada, 1 from China and 1 from Netherlands

The visits are by traffic source:

230 going directly to the website

201 by searching

3 by referral which means from another website.

That is all for this month. Keep sending those pictures and change ideas coming.

FYI: Please send me your reports if you want them posted on the Website. You can send them to me in Word and I will convert them from there.


District 71 Meeting September 10, 2022 Minutes


Corrections Committee